Identity Wars On Internet

'Title Wars' over internet, especially on professional platforms like LinkedIn are far more entertaining than 'Star Wars'. Everyone wants to load the title line with amazing and creative titles. More than 80% people run out of space and character limit but not the imaginations. Even the people who pretend that they are indifferent to titles end up bragging about that in the title field itself:). Come on! You could have simply left it blank. So there must be something in the title. Is the title supposed to give the glimpse of your identity? And if yes, what identity are we talking about? Because there is no denying that the internet has brought us to a world where you can wear multiple identities. Naturally every human being would like to present oneself as an ideal individual. Whether it comes to work life or personal life, we would like to do better and be better. However, it comes down to various life skills which determines if we could do it. This coveted gap...