Do Stretch Yourselves

A quote says, All man’s troubles arise from the fact that we do not know what we are and do not agree on what we want to be. Your life is not only yours. It belongs to the entire human race. Whatever body structure, features and powers you are enjoying today are the outcome of making and doing of the human race until your birth. All that got used more and often, went on becoming better and better. All that was not put to use was ultimately shed away. Shedding the tail was not a necessity, it was an outcome of the choices made by our ancestors. A choice as insignificant as rolling your eyeballs in all directions and trying to stretch and extend your eyesight is going to decide the actual vision span for human race in future. You can stretch the angles now to maintain what was gifted to you. Or you can be ignorant and/or selfish not to do that because you do not need it in your life. But the future generations won't have this choice. They will be born with reduced vision span and ma...