Lines Of Defense

Hello friends! Although and unfortunately we have recently celebrated Corona anniversary, the pandemic is loosing its scary psychological influence on us which keeps us away from living our life to the fullest. This pandemic has given us lots of positive and constructive ways out. Helped us in course correction of how the life should be viewed at and lived. Hope made us survive throughout last year and hope only is going to teach us to live with Corona and many other unpleasant surprises. First Line of Defense Vaccination is taking speed and is the ultimate way to deal with this enemy. Taking precautions and evading Corona infection is a good first line(L1) of defense(LOD). However, like in any other battles, the first line defense can only do so much. A strong enemy like Corona is going to destroy it sooner or later and make inroads. Hence while you try to defend L1 LOD, make sure that you are simultaneously working on 2nd(L2) and 3rd(L3) LOD. Second Line of Defense L2 is to get ...