Mystery of HAPPYness

Preamble We must be conscious of our every action. It won't be exaggerating to say we live most of our life unconsciously. We promote and encourage mechanization of almost everything so that things are taken care of without any botheration. The mechanization of LIFE is a sad offering to us by scientific revolution. History of human evolution gives us some interesting, weird and some weirdly interesting findings. We humans have always been in the pursuit of happiness and we still are. Although it is ironic that the farther we go back in history, the happier were the people despite the hardships, if we want to call them so, they faced in respective era. What went wrong? All our scientific researches have been focused on bringing more and more convenience into human life. Initially convenience came with happiness as it reduced the efforts required in a mundane task so that we could utilize that time for the activities of our liking. For e.g. invention of a match saved us the ti...